Sunday, December 16, 2012

Amy's Bread hot chocolate

David is very, very well-versed in hot chocolate. So I was surprised and delighted that when I first shared Amy's Bread's hot chocolate with him, he told me that a) he had never tried it before, and b) it instantly made it on to his Top Ten list. I feel that sort of personal ownership for Amy's. Maybe because I go there like once a week.

According to Amy's Bread's website, their hot chocolate is "homemade with a blend of artisan chocolates." They use three scoops of a thick sludge of blended Scharffen Berger and Guittard chocolates. None of that powder or syrup crap here; this is real chocolate. And then they will add a homemade marshmallow. And serve it to you in a big bowl. It is rich but still easy to drink, and it makes me feel like I'm in Paris.

BOTTOM LINE: Highly recommended hot chocolate with top-notch ingredients.

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